Molly Ellen Fuhrman

Molly Ellen Fuhrman

In Loving Memory of Molly Ellen Fuhrman.
Molly Ellen Fuhrman was born on February 20, 1949 and passed away on March 5, 2016. Entrusted to the care of Cremation Society of Orange Coast (800) 678-0669

1 Comment

  1. David & Janelle Stookey says:

    Just a note to say how sorry we were to hear of Molly’s passing. It’s been a long time since we all lived in Cedar Rapids and have lost touch with so many old friends. Bob Moes is married to David’s sister Gail and that is the connection – so hard to keep track of family offshoots ! So many good memories of Molly from back then. Hope you are all doing well and have wonderful memories to help you through this hard time. She will be missed.

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